**NOTE**  Medical advancements have saved the lives of women and babies at risk for injury or death during pregnancy and birth.  This site is not about the doctors who properly use interventions to save lives; it is about those who use them unethically for profit or convenience.   Improperly used interventions have led to harm and death of women and babies and obstetrics  is the only field in which mortality rates are rising and non-medically needed interventions such as c-sections are related to 66% of maternal deaths. 

**NOTE**  This site is designed to share valid evidence for those working to change the maternal healthcare system who do not have access to databases of peered research. 

**NOTE** Chronological order allows users to find new data.  It also begs the question of why, when we have known for decades that such practices are harmful, do they not only continue to be used but are increasingly used.






Center for Disease Control (CDC). (2022).  Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System.  Accessed

U.S. Whitehouse (2022). White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis.   Accessed


Gagnon, R., & Champagne-Poirier, O. (2021). Giving Birth to Another Child: Women’s Perceptions of Their Childbirth Experiences in Quebec. Qualitative Health Research31(5), 955–966.

Harvard Law Review. (2021). Chapter three: The legal infrastructure of childbirth. Harvard Law Review, 134(6), 2209–2232. Accessed

Hickey, J. (2021). Nature is smarter than we are;: Midwifery and the responsive state.  Columbia Journal of Gender and Law Vol. 40 No. 2 (2020)   Accessed


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2020).  Surgeon General's Call to Action to improve maternal health.   Accessed


Brubaker, S. and Dillaway, H. (2019). Medicalization, natural childbirth and birthing experience.  Accessed

California Healthcare Foundation (2019).  Maternity Care in California.  Accessed 

McCarthy, & Jones, J. S. (2019). The Medicalization of Nursing: The Loss of a Discipline’s Unique Identity. International Journal for Human Caring, 23(1), 101–108.

Ranjbar, F., Gharacheh, M. Vedadhir, A.  (2019). Overmedicalization of Pregnancy and Childbirth. International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences. Accessed

Tari, G. and Hamvai, C. (2019). The medicalization of childbirth: Ethical and legal issues of negative childbirth experience. (Accessed

  • CONCLUDED: "Our survey explored the manners in which childbirth experiences are affected by medicalization. The results showed that a significant number of types of medicalization are potentially responsible for negative childbirth experiences. By reviewing the respondents’ answers, several non-medical reasons were found which affect women’s satisfaction at birth. Unwanted, unexplained, or unnecessary medical interventions, disproportionate limitation of self-determination are the most common ethical and legal issues of childbirth. It should also be highlighted that the majority of the respondents prefer a partner-like doctor-patient relationship and shared decision making instead of paternalism. Since hierarchical differences between healthcare practitioners and women increase vulnerability during labour and delivery, it is essential to allow reproductive autonomy and selfdetermination dominate the intrapartum care. Therefore, in line with informed consent, women must be involved in the decision making process after being given comprehensive medical information in an understandable manner. Practitioners must consider women’s preferences regarding the nature and timing of medical interventions, Gergely Tari, Csaba Hamvai 290 position during labour and delivery, and choosing a person/family member to assist them during labour." (material omitted)

World Health Organization (2019). Maternal Mortality Country Profiles Accessed

  • This report presents internationally comparable global, regional and country-level estimates and trends for maternal mortality between 2000 and 2017.

Preis, H., Pardo, J., Peled, Y., & Benjamini, Y. (2018). Changes in the basic birth beliefs following the first birth experience: Self-fulfilling prophecies? PloS One13(11), e0208090–e0208090.

  • CONCLUDED: "Our conclusion is in line with the recent World Health Organization guidelines regarding encouraging intrapartum care practice which contributes to a positive birth experience [34]: Supporting safe physiological birth, avoiding unnecessarily medicalized births [35,36] and improving satisfaction with birth should be a main goal for maternity care providers. Additionally, psychosocial professionals should aim to decrease women's fears, and strengthen their self-efficacy. Doing these would empower women, increasing their beliefs in themselves, their bodies, and the natural course of birth."

World Health Organization (2018). WHO recommendations Intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience. Accessed

  • CONCLUDED (from text)  "The WHO intrapartum care model has the potential to positively transform the lives of women, families and communities worldwide. It sets goals beyond the level of merely surviving, but at the level of thriving, in all country settings. The implementation of the WHO intrapartum care model should lead to cost savings through reductions in unnecessary medical interventions, with consequent improvements in equity for disadvantaged populations. Thus, addressing the shortage of skilled maternity care providers and improving the infrastructure required to successfully implement this model of evidence-based intrapartum care should be a top priority for all stakeholders"


Benhamini, Y., Molcho, M., Dan. U., Gozlan, Mr.and Preis, H. (2017).  Women's attitudes toward the medicalization of childbirth and their associations with planned and actual modes of birth.   DOI   Accessed

  • From Intro: "The dominant birthing model in most of the Western world is medicalized childbirth.1, 2 This is evident in the overall high use of medical interventions, often without any medical indication, such as epidural analgesia, caesarean births, and the controversial option of caesarean birth on maternal request. Caesarean rates are on the rise: in 2014 they accounted for 32.3% and 25.0% of births in Northern America and Europe, respectively.3 Medicalization begins earlier in the pregnancy, with prenatal care that transforms pregnancy into a permanent at-risk condition in need of medical monitoring.4 Together with recognizing the benefits of medicalization, there has been growing concern among healthcare professionals that the medicalization of childbirth may have gone too far.5 Correspondingly, there have been calls for clinical practice based on evidence-based procedures that would better support physiological birth."


Lennon, S. L. (2016). Risk perception in pregnancy: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing72(9), 2016–2029.  Accessed

  • CONCLUDED:    "Every human being who has ever lived is the product of the state of pregnancy, making this the most common physiological process of our species. Yet while pregnancy is common, it is also a completely unique state. Pregnancy is at once an intensely personal experience and one that all of society is vested in. Pregnancy and childbirth are a normal and natural function for a women’s body and yet these process are increasingly seen as being in need of professional surveillance. Women today know more about their developing infant than at any other time in history, but this increased knowledge has not led to a sense of reassurance. In fact, it can be argued that surveillance and testing has had just the opposite effect, with women feeling at increased risk" (material omitted)

Luce, A., Cash, M., Hundley, V., Cheyne, H., van Teijlingen, E., & Angell, C. (2016). “Is it realistic?” the portrayal of pregnancy and childbirth in the media. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth16(1), 40–40.

  • CONCLUDED: "However as the recent study by Maclean highlighted; UK newspapers have an interest in horror stories and a tendency to suggest that an absence of obstetricians is dangerous, something that she has termed a ‘hierarchy of safety’ [23]. As printed media is still a major part of the mass media, it is imperative that researchers determine if the discourses put forth in the printed press replicate those broadcasted and online. Lastly, it is important to investigate what media producers know about childbirth and labour and their views on the impact that the current representations may be having on women. It is important for midwives to engage with media producers to help improve the representation of childbirth on television, in the same way that midwives should be encouraged to work more with the press" (material omitted)

Mobarakabadi, S., Najmabadi, K., Tabatabaie, M., and Esmaily, H. (2016).  Predictors of mode of childbirth based on medicalizaed maternal care: a cross-sectional study.  DOI  Accessed


World Health Organization Europe. (2015). Childbirth: myths and medicalization. Accessed

  • From intro: Undoubtedly medical involvement in childbirth has done much to improve outcomes for many women and their newborns who experience medical or pregnancy related complications, but in recent years there has been increasing evidence that widespread medical involvement in childbirth is not always in the best interests of women experiencing straightforward low risk pregnancies


Every Mother Counts Org. (2014). Over-medicalization of maternal health in America. Accessed

  • From article: Over-medicalization occurs when more medical care is applied to a health condition than is required or recommended to achieve better health. It happens in maternal healthcare in the U.S. all the time. Only 15% of pregnancies will include some level of medical complication, yet our traditional obstetric model of care commonly treats most pregnancies as if they’re at high risk for complications. While there’s no doubt that some pregnancies do require advanced medical care to deliver healthy babies to healthy mothers, most require more basic skilled prenatal and antenatal care to insure safe outcomes


Neiterman, E. (2013). Sharing Bodies: The Impact of the Biomedical Model of Pregnancy on Women’s Embodied Experiences of the Transition to Motherhood. Healthcare Policy9(SP), 112–125.

  • CONCLUDED:  (from abstract) "Once upon a time, pregnancy was not medicalized. Referring to the magic of nature or other mysterious forces, women might understand their pregnancy as a blessing or a curse from God. None of us can remember this time. For most women who grew up in Western culture, the nature of pregnancy and birth is anything but mystical. We know how and why women can become pregnant, we know the mechanics of pregnancy and birth, and we make sure that women stay on medically established track during pregnancy.  The medicalization of pregnancy has taken away more than just its mystical aura. Many feminist scholars have criticized biomedicine for transferring control over reproduction from expectant mothers to medical specialists (Davis-Floyd 1990; Katz Rothman 1993; Oakley 1980). This transition is seen as alienating for many women, separating them from their bodies and making them passive recipients of medical care (Martin 1984)."

O’Malley, A. (2013). Preventing a return to twilight and straitjackets; using the patient protection and affordable care act as a starting point for evidence-based obstetric reform in the United States.  Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy, Vol. 8(2).  Accessed

  • CONCLUDED: "For the sake of women and babies in the United States and the future of our society, the maternal experience could significantly improve through obstetric healthcare reform. Financial motivations should not take precedence over quality healthcare. Quality healthcare is a basic human right that all women in the United States should have access to and such care should be supported through fundamentally sound, evidence-based standards of care."  


Calnan, S.  (2012). (STUDENT WORK) The medicalization of birth and its effects on women’s perceptions of birth. Accessed  OR

  • CONCLUDED: "My results from the participants’ interviews confirm the dominance and prevalence of the medicalization of birth in America. Nineteen of my 20 participants all planned to have a medicalized birth. This preference is a concern because this model is associated with health complications for both the mother and infant. The extreme embodiment of the medicalization of birth is the scheduled C-section. Twenty percent of my sample would choose to have a C-section over a vaginal birth; add 10% for medically necessary C-sections, and my sample nearly reflects the national C-section rate of 32.8%. The media—which portrays and perpetuates the medicalized version of birth—is the main, and often the only, source of information on birth for my sample. Instead of ignoring this outlet of information, I recommend harnessing the media as a way to spread positive and helpful information regarding birth."

Johnsdottir, O. (2012). Medicalisation of childbirth in western society; Can women resist the medicalization of childbirth.  Accessed 

  • CONCLUDED: "To answer the question posed as the title of this essay, women can resist the medicalisation of childbirth, but it is difficult because of the structures of power, risk and normalisation. Sheila Kitzinger (2005) says that what needs to be done is to build bridges between the medical environment of birth and women. The health professionals who want to give women-centred care that is based on informed choice need support to do so. The birthing environment needs to improve so women feel supported in birthing their babies in all forms, whether it be at home, within the hospital, with assistance of technology or without it. This is the fluidity that Foucault spoke about in regards to the relationship between authority and the individual so as to create a normality that everyone agrees to."  (material omitted)


Johnson, C. (2008). The political "nature" of pregnancy and childbirth.  The Canadian Journal of Political Science 41L4.  Accessed:

  • From "Abstract.In this paper, I examine the theoretical debates concerning “medicalization” in relation to the empirical trend toward increased demand for “natural” options for childbirth. Many feminist theorists have argued that medical intervention in pregnancy and childbirth is both unwarranted and disempowering and devalues women's own abilities and experiences. Further, it is argued that medicalization (of seemingly natural events) is particularly damaging for women and other marginalized people. In this paper, I explore the claims (of both providers and consumers) concerning medical care for pregnancy and childbirth among privileged populations and ask why rejection of medical care for pregnancy and childbirth is not proportional to disadvantage. It appears to be the case that criticism of medical intervention in pregnancy and childbirth is strongest among privileged women and is expressed consistently as preference for “natural,” “traditional” or “normal” approaches and practices."

Parry. (2008). “We Wanted a Birth Experience, not a Medical Experience”: Exploring Canadian Women’s Use of Midwifery. Health Care for Women International, 29(8-9), 784–806.  Accessed 

Romano, A. M., & Lothian, J. A. (2008). Promoting, Protecting, and Supporting Normal Birth: A Look at the Evidence. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 37(1), 94–105.  Accessed


Johanson, Newburn, M., & Macfarlane, A. (2002). Has The Medicalisation Of Childbirth Gone Too Far? BMJ,324(7342), 892–895. Accessed


Fox, B. and Worts, D. (1999). Revisiting the critique of medicalized childbirth: A contribution to the sociology of birth. Gender and Society. Vol 13,  Accessed


Conrad. (1992). Medicalization and Social Control. Annual Review of Sociology,18(1), 209–232. Accessed



Last Updated June 2024