Hawkins Hall at SUNY Plattsburgh


MAY 4, 2022

HOSTED BY: Institute for Ethics in Public Life

Organizing Committee:
Gloria Bobbie
Jonathan Slater
Richard Robbins
Michael Devine
John McMahon

Technical Advisor:
Alyssa McGovern




Ticket price includes admission to all sessions PLUS a coupon code good for 50% reduction in the viewing cost of the Birth Time Documentary.  If you would like to view the documentary prior to attendance, go to https://www.birthtime.world/  and use coupon code SUNY50 

Limitations set by ZOOM Events and PayPal prohibit us from accepting registrations until 29 days prior to the opening of the event.  At that time, you will be able to click on the following link to register. Link is not active until then.


SPEAKERS Click here to view speakers

Speaker Proposals accepted until March 31 or all time slots fill.  For submission form email Gloria Bobbie at bobbiegj@plattsburgh.edu

SESSIONS Click here to view sessions

Don't despair if you are not able to hear each and every amazing speaker on the program the day of the conference. The sessions will be accessible on YouTube for conference attendees after the conference for viewing so that you don't have to miss out on any of the wonderful speakers who have come together.

SPONSORS Click here to view sponsors

No fee sponsorships for organizations who assist in creating an awareness of the conference are available.  For submission form email Gloria Bobbie at bobbiegj@plattsburgh.edu


Anthropologists and other social scientists as well as many in the field of healthcare have for decades published articles on the detrimental effects of the medicalization of pregnancy and birth.  There is no dearth of information in the academic databases, yet little progress has been made in stopping the harm being done by unnecessary medical procedures such as non-medically necessary Caesarian sections (World Health Organization, 2021).    The politicizing of abortion and the ensuing abortion debates have for almost a decade distracted from the topic; however, “Birth Time: the Documentary” (Eagle Rose Productions, et al.)  brought back into focus the harm being done as a result of unnecessary medical procedures. There is no doubt that these same procedures have saved the lives of many women and newborns when medical problems have arisen, but when used for convenience, scheduling or profit, they cause harm and we must consider the ethical implications of performing unnecessary medical procedures on women’s bodies.

The video offers first-person stories through interviews of women and their partners who felt traumatized by their birth experiences as well as confirming testimony from experts in the field that represent the global issue.  It offers important insights into the problems inherent in our medical systems that lead to women feeling traumatized and often suffering from postpartum depression or PTSD after the birth of a child, the helpless feelings experienced by partners and fathers who feel left out of the birth experience, an understanding of how denial of culture affects minority women and also why those in the medical fields often feel compelled to work in a system they themselves do not support. 

Anthropologist Gloria Bobbie has researched the medicalization of pregnancy and birth for over 25 years and her interest was reawakened after coming across the documentary.  A survey of the current literature on the topic  determined the documentary to be in alignment and out of this came this conference.  The maternal healthcare systems globally are flawed and action to bring about change is critical to the health of women and families. 

Through this conference we hope to bring together people throughout the globe who can share knowledge of the issues to create an awareness of the depth of this problem and the harm that is occurring world-wide as well as to explore possible solutions. 


Eagle Rose Productions and Sparrow Studios (Producers) and Hunter, J. Naylor, Z. and Sutton, J. (Directors(. Birth Time: the Documentary (Motion Picture). Australia.  Available Birth Time World  https://birthtime.world 

World Health Organization. (2021). Caesarian section rates continue to rise, amid growing inequalities in access: WHO.  Accessed https://www.who.int/news/item/16-06-2021-caesarean-section-rates-continue-to-rise-amid-growing-inequalities-in-access-who#:~:text=According%20to%20new%20research%20from,21%25)%20of%20all%20childbirths.